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søndag den 1. juli 2012

Er i KLAR - vores første bloghop / Fasten your seatbelts please we're bloghopping

I dag deltager OSH i sin allerførste bloghop  og ovenikøbet en international en af slagsen. Vi blogger nemlig sammen med vores storesøster i USA Operation Write Home. Da jeg tilbage i 2009 gik og puslede med en ide om at gøre "noget" for at støtte de danske soldater, var det OWH der dengang hed "Cards for Heroes" der inspirerede mig til at komme i gang. Det var dog ikke et navn, der egnede sig til danske forhold, så jeg nåede frem til at Operation Skriv hjem passede bedre, fordi det var det det handlede om. Forestil jer mit ansigt, da jeg året efter fik googlet mig frem til dem igen og så at de havde skiftet navn til det samme bare på engelsk - 2 sjæle en tanke! Sandy og hendes organisation er en stor inspiration for os her hos OSH og vi er stolte og glade for at være med i denne bloghop og vise vores amerikanske venner, hvad vi kan her i lille Danmark. Som de fleste jo ved startede OSH på Scrap-a-Mania i maj 2010 og Rikke B og Lisbeth Z var de første der støttede os. Siden har vi heldigvis fået en masse dejlig opbakning fra andre events og butikker - men man glemmer aldrig sit første kys  - vel?  Da Rikke B og Lisbeth Z deltog på CHA messen i januar var de søde at besøge OWH-standen (jamen sådan en har de da selvfølgelig) og sådan fik Sandy og jeg kontakt og et fint samarbejde er nu på plads. =0)

WOOHOO....  Today OSH is participating in our very first bloghop - and we are happy and proud to do it together with our big sister in America - Operation Write Home!  YEAH..... !!!!This is why the OSH blog is in Danish and English today! Above photo from CHA 2012 shows Lisbeth Zibrandtsen from Denmark (co-organizing the Scrap-a-Mania event in Denmark with Rikke Bagger) visiting the OWH stand where she informed Sandy of OSH and our work in Denmark!
A little history mostly for our international visitors. Back in 2009 when I was brainstorming about what to do to show support to our Danish deployed soldiers,  I googled and found a site called "Cards for Heroes". This was exactly what I had in mind and they had been at it for a couple of years. Knowing nothing like this had been done over here, I started thinking of a suitable name and logo and came up with "Operation Skriv hjem" as this was what it was all about - writing home and I somehow knew it would be a better name for us here in Denmark. I worked hard getting everything organized with a handful of good friends making some sample cards and I know for sure that my meetings with the Danish Army and other contacts were facilitated because I could say "it's been done in America with great success". =0) OSH started at the scrapbooking event Scrap-a-Mania back in May 2010 and as happy as I am with the support we now get from other events and shops in Denmark, SAM was the first to support us and that is something I'll never forget. Little did I know that Cards for Heroes by then had changed their name to "Operation Write Home" - what can I say  - great minds think alike - and this way we sound even more related - don't we!! 
Sandy hos OWH har sin dygtige maskothund Ciara og vi har jo Fifty der her sender en hilsen til Ciara  med et fint lille hjemmelavet banner han har lavet helt selv! =0)

OSH's Fifty is a star here at HQ and here he sends his love to OWH's Ciara - LOOK he even made a Danish/American banner to wear today to celebrate the bloghop - "HI Ciara - keep up the good work helping your Mum and OWH "  !!!

UPS - første foto er taget med natudstyr - da Fifty glædede sig så meget at han stod op midt om natten - det næste er taget da det blev morgen og er bedre.

Sorry first photo is difficult to see - Fifty was SO excited he was up in the middle of the night and I had to wear night goggles to see him - below is a better one from this morning  =0) Fifty's badge on his helmet is a gift from Sandy at CHA - Thanks !!!

Vi hopper mellem hele 22 blogge - skiftevis en dansk og en amerikansk og jeg kan love jer at der er nok at kigge på og måske nye blogge at besøge også fremover? Vi elsker alle kommentarer - så husk at lægge en lille hilsen på jeres vej og jeg kan da godt røbe at der er blog candy på spil. Så husk at kigge forbi her igen på næste søndag for at se listen over vindere! =0)
We will jump between as many as 22 blogs - back and forth between Denmark and America and trust me it will be well worth the effort - there will be so much inspiration at hand and you might even find a new blog you wil have to revisit!  Everybody loves comments and every blog in this hop surely deserves a comment so don't forget to leave some love....  =0)

Specielle OWH skitser på alle blogge

Ja hvad siger I så???  Efter vi hver især har lavet vores kort  har OWH's dygtige Paula lavet en skitse til hver blog. Tja - de er jo en del større end os derovre - så sådan en afdeling skal I ikke liiige regne med at finde her hos os fremover.  ;0) Men her er en skitse.... fulgt af et fint OSH kort lavet af Vikki. Vikki har ikke selv en blog - så jeg har tilladt mig at vise hendes lidt ældre kort her på OSH-siden, fordi det passede i farverne og er ret sødt.
Special OWH sketches on all blogs.  They were each created after the crafter made their card, so big thanks go out to the fabbbbby Paula from OWH who is a design genius and helped out with them.  Enjoy and don't hold your breath as OSH can't match this in the future  ;0)  Here is a sketch.... followed by a cute card from our OSH-supporter Vikki who cannot participate in the actual bloghop because she does not have a blog - but I wanted to share her card with you here!
Happy mail - sending a hug
og her er skitsen:
and this is the sketch:

Og skal vi SÅ komme i gang - HOP ud i det.  Du har til lørdag aften den 7. juli til at lægge kommentarer og husk for at kunne vinde skal man have været forbi alle blogge og kommenteret. Del gerne dette bloghop link med dine venner - der er sikkert mange der gerne vil se hvad vi laver her og OWH laver i USA for at vise soldaterne at vi tænker på dem og deres familier!  God fornøjelse!
Without further ado....get busy hopping! You have til Saturday night, July 7, to leave comments - so be sure to leave some OWH-style love on all the blogs! Please share this bloghop link with your friends - they'd be excited to see how another whole country is being inspired by the patriotism expressed in America!
  1. Stars and Stamps, OWH blog
  2. Operation Skriv Hjem, OSH blog
  3. I Can't Stop Embellishing (Sandy, President of OWH)
  4. At the Home of Charlie (Charlie, founder of OSH)
  5. Imagine. Make. Share. (Yolanda)
  6. Mette-Hyldig (Mette)
  7. Allison's Creations (Allison)
  8. Forsiden… hos Cecilie (Cecilie)
  9. Scrap Happens (Nancy)
  10. Min Scrapside (Annette)
  11. She's Gone Digital (Jan)
  12. Scrapbooking by Lisette (Lisette)
  13. Handmade by Paula (Paula)
  14. Margit's Hjorne (Margit)
  15. Paper Therapy Ponderings (Barb)
  16. Karina's Scrap (Karina)
  17. Handmade by Julie (Julie)
  18. Pipserier (Dorthe)
  19. What's Next? (Dixie)
  20. Gitte's Scrapbooking (Gitte)
  21. Expressions of a Craftaholic (Samantha)
  22. Homemade by Stinne (Stinne)

100 kommentarer:

  1. Super god ide og nu vil jeg hoppe fra blog til blog og se, hvad folk har lavet!

  2. Yeah - vi er i gang! Det er så sejt, at det her er kommet på plads og ruller nu. Sjovt sjovt. Tak fordi du er så god til at holde gang i OSH.

  3. What a cute card. I really like the kitty. I like how you added the tag on the side. Thanks for sharing.

  4. What fun to have international sisters with the same vision. Fifty is too cute and so is Vikki's great card.

  5. very cute card

    I love the bear - I used to make teddy bears from scratch and dress them up

    thanks for sharing

    Barb Housner

  6. Tak fordi jeg måtte være med , så fed og sjov en ide og så går det jo til et godt formål.

  7. Rigtig sødt kort.
    Jeg er nu på blogrundfart. :-)
    Flot arbejde du gør med OSH.

  8. This is exciting to learn that you have a card making support group. Thank you so much for this Hop. Love the cards and keep up your great work.

  9. It is so wonderful that we can participate together in a blog hop to inspire more card makers to support our heroes! Love your mascot Fifty and his Danish and American flags.

    Vikki's card is wonderful...can't wait to see all the others!

  10. I love seeing Fifty all dressed up for the occasion! (I was worried about that night vision version -- lol!)

    It really is amazing that our names came out so close in the end - WOW! We really are sisters!!!

    Big hugs to all my Danish sisters!!!
    Sandy Allnock
    President, Operation Write Home

  11. Så har jeg begivet mig afsted på tur imellem Danmark og USA - det er spændende at se de forskellige kort der er blevet lavet til denne bloghop - og ikke mindst skitserne som jeg lystigt pinner til senere brug :)
    Tak for jeg måtte være med i denne bloghop.

  12. Vikki's card is truly "Happy Mail!" Just beautiful! Thank you for blog hopping with us today! This is fun!

  13. Ihh, hvor har jeg glædet mig til i dag :-) ..fedt bloghop, I har stykket sammen, og jeg glæder mig til at komme hele raden rundt :-)
    Mange hilsner fra Tina M.

  14. This is super wonderful! I love international programs like this! I also enjoy postcrossing.com!
    The bear with the banners is so awesome! Yea Fifty and Ciara!!
    Thanks for sharing the pretty kitty card...so fun!
    On to the hop! Thank you!

  15. Thanks for sharing your story - it's great to see scrappers world-wide supporting the heroes!

    Your card is adorable.

  16. Cute cute card! The dp is adorable and perfect for the image! Thanks for the inspiration!

  17. Look how cute Fifty is today! It's wonderful to hear your story. Thank you for sharing. I can't wait to hop and meet all of you. How exciting! Best wishes and big hugs!

  18. Denne kommentar er fjernet af forfatteren.

  19. Træk vejret ind..... og ud......og ind.... og... Nu er vi igang Charlie. Fedt kort du har valgt ud - meget meget lækkert. Tak fordi at du syntes jeg har format til at være med her blandt danmarks sejeste og dygtigste kortmager

    Du er og bliver en inspirator og en igang sætter! You Rocks!


  20. Super sødt kort og tillykke med bloghoppet og at du er kommet så langt med OSH. Tak for din store indsats!! Jeg hopper lidt senere iaften og er spændt på at se hvad folk har lavet! Knus og god søndag til dig! Pia

  21. How wonderful is this! Two countries with the same heart. I love the card,and thanks for translating for us! I look forward to the hop today.

  22. What a fun day for both OSH and OWH this is. Vikki's square card is very cute. I like the adorable little kitten carrying an oversized load of love in his paws.

    You're mascot Fifty looks like he is ready for action right down to his boots!

    Thanks for making today's hop possible. :)

  23. So happy to be hopping with you today! I love your card :)

  24. Thank you for the beautiful card - love the flags for both of our countries!

  25. What a cute card. Looking forward to seeing more...:-)

  26. Ja, nu kører det hele.....Herligt og rigtig sjovt.
    Dejligt kort fra Vikki - igen.
    Og så hopper jeg igen.
    Knus til Fifty - med den fine kasket..og dig, Charlie, som har lagt et stort arbejde i denne bloghop.

  27. Elsie in North Carolina1. juli 2012 kl. 18.21

    That kitty is so cute! I also like the way Vikki added the greeting at the side. I looked at many of your older blog posts - you have some ideas that I'll definitely try soon. So many ideas - so little time!

  28. WOW! Cute card! Your OSH Fifty is adorable! Thanks for being apart of todays hop!!

  29. Rigtig spændende projekt og første gang jeg deltager i en bloghop :)
    Skønt kort med den kat :)

  30. So happy to learn that you are doing the same thing as we are. My grandparents were born in Denmark, so I feel a connection. Ciara would really love Fifty.

  31. How wonderful to find a sister organization in Denmark. Thank you OSH and OWH. I love the card. Cats are my favorite and some lucky person is going to get that super card and smile. You can bet it will be kept for years and years and every time that someone looks at it, they will smile again. -Teresa Kieser, Vancouver, WA, USA

  32. Wonderful card - so cool to be able to another country's cards. Thanks !

  33. This is a wonderful cooperative effort! I really enjoyed learning about OSH! Thanks for sharing your cute kitty card and story. I did enjoy the photos of 50--I'm glad he got so excited! And thanks for the sketch, too! Wonderful!

  34. Supersødt kort Vikki har lavet.
    Hvor er det bare sjovt, at deltage i hoppet. Tak fordi, at du gjorde det store arbejde, for at det kunne lade sig gøre.
    Det er sjovt at høre lidt historie også.
    Knus Karina

  35. Jeg glæder mig til at tage på blogrundfart senere, ligenu er det vores egen private soldat der får min opmærksomhed ;-) 1000 tak fordi jeg må være med, det er jeg RIGTIG glad for. Knus

  36. Wow this is great to be a part of our first "transatlanticbloghop", I am very proud to be a part of something so amazing as the OSH family and happy that I can show my gratitude and support to all our heros in my "adoptive land".
    Happy hopping MVH Vikki

  37. This is such a wonderful opportunity, thank you so much for sharing your cards.. This one is really pretty and it's nice to know penny black fans are all over the world:)

  38. How wonderful to know that we have sister cardmakers in another country! Your card is very cute and I love your blog. Thanks for sharing your story with us.

  39. This is so fabulous. How cool is the two groups matching names. Love the kitty card. Looking forward to all the blogs.

  40. It's so nice to "meet" all of you! Your card is darling! The image is adorable.

  41. Hello to my sisters at OSH in Denmark! Hello Fifty... you are so cute and cudly. Oh, I love you boots!

    I adore this cute card. This kitty will bring a smile to anyone's face and make them feel loved.

  42. Denne kommentar er fjernet af forfatteren.

  43. I had a wonderful time going through the blog hop and meeting all your lovely ladies at OSH.

  44. I LOVE the story of how our sisters in Denmark got "OSH" going, and then here in the US "Cards for Heroes" had a name change to OWH. Praise God for the legal issue that prompted our name change, and for the solidarity that He has given us with our Danish sisters.
    Your cards are lovely, and I am certainly inspired by them even though I can't read your language. Thank you!!!

  45. It's so nice to have an international presence and sister organization. No one likes war, but I think all of us respect the job our soldiers are doing to protect our freedoms and lives. I think the cards on your blog speak for themselves -- no English needed -- so I'm looking forward to looking through even more of them. I like Fifty. He looks like he's fully participating, too.

  46. ....... Hop hop.. Så kom jeg lige her til vores egen dejlige OSH blog : ) sikke et sødt kort fra vikki har lavet : )
    Jeg hopper videre ........

  47. This is so exciting! I love it! I am off to hop!

  48. Such a cute card. I just love the little kitten holding a heart. Thanks for sharing this here.

  49. So cute! Thank you for the inspiration. :)

  50. love the card Glad to hear you help spread the word. charlsie

  51. Thanks for all you do--I had no idea. Love your mascot--a new friend for Ciara!!
    This could open new doors for both organizations, maybe? We will hope.

  52. Et rigtig fint kort,med dejlige farver.
    Og man taber helt pusten med alle de hop, men en sjov ide, det er jo altid dejligt med nye ideer.

  53. God ide, glæder mig til at se en masse nye blogs (hedder det sådan i flertal?)
    Christina P

  54. Så sødt et kort. Lige fra hjertet:)
    Flot og stort arbejde du også ligger i dette projekt, Charlie.

  55. I'm so glad you made contact with Sandy at CHA and that we are sharing this blog hop! You make very nice cards and I will be back later to look through the older posts!

  56. Glad to visit your blog in Denmark! Vickie's card is so cute! It is wonderful that you have found OWH and started OSH to support your Danish troops.

  57. Hej, nu har jeg "hoppet" hele dagen og jeg skal snart i seng men jeg vil lige sige at jeg var lidt kede af det at jeg kunne ikke kommentar på Stinne´s blog den eneste danske jeg mangled.Kort var super flot,tak.Mvh Vikki

  58. Det er dejligt I kan få lavet så mange flotte kort, som I glæder andre med. Vh Annette V, DK

  59. Thank you for the bloghop. I'm excited to meet crafting friends from across the world. Love Fifty, Ciara always makes me smile-I'm glad you've got a mascot too. Cute card-I adore that cute kitty. Thanks!

  60. I am so excited to see we have sisters in Denmark! Thank you for participating in this bloghop with OWH! The Happy Mail card is just adorable! I love the image so much.

  61. Thanks for sharing. Fifty is pretty cute. Your sending hugs card is great.

  62. This is a very cute card. The kitty is adorable. Thanks for what you do for your heroes.

    DJ's Sundries

  63. This is the greatest blog hop ever!!Thank you, Sister Denmark, for supporting us and supporting your troops!! May God bless you all!!!

  64. Vikki,
    This is a great card. It made me smile that cat is so cute.

  65. Lisbeth Zibrandtsen2. juli 2012 kl. 07.55

    Fantastisk ide med et internationalt bloghop!! -og skønt at kunne føle sig en lille smule del af det hele.

  66. This is wonderful! What a great bloghop and I love this card! Such a cute kitty!

  67. Vikki's card is very cute. I like the sketch.
    Fifty is adorable!
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  68. Rigtig god ide med bloghop.. men vist farligt med al den nye inspiration...

  69. so glad to see more ideas!! Thank you for sharing the great card! I can't wait to get back to check out more of your awesome cards!

  70. Oh my gosh, that little bear looks amazing in lights as well as in daylight! How CUTE! I love the card too with the big postage-stamped heart! Keep up the great work for all of our heroes!

  71. What a wonderful bloghop! Lovely to share ideas & inspiration with kindred spirits in Denmark!!

  72. How awesome to do a blog hop with you guys!! Very nice card - love the "Happy Mail" image. Your bear is darling; such a cute outfit.

  73. Det er da fuldstændig vildt det her, jeg håbede at 20-25 ville finde forbi bloggen, men jeg lurede da godt nok lidt her til morgen ;-) NU skal jeg på tur i cyberspace...Yeaaaa...

  74. Love the bear!! I have a bunch of bears too. The card with the kitty is very cute too.

  75. Fifty bear is the cutiest. Great card, it will brighten the day of a loved one. So wonderful that we have a sister group. Amazing about the name, you're right great minds think alike.

  76. Hvor er det bare et fedt initiativ med dette blog hop ;-)

    Elsker bare det stempel med katten og hjertet på kortet ;-) Den er virkelig kær...

  77. I Love to hear of your efforts. I'm sure your soldiers are encouraged.
    Love your card :-)

  78. What a cute card!! It is adorable! And so is Fifty! What a great surprise to find out we have a sister organization in Denmark! Keep up the great work!!

  79. How great that the concept translates into every language! Thanks for helping to organize!
    BobbisTreasure at aol dot com

  80. This is an adorable sketch and card!

  81. Hello from Sunny ARIZONA! I am super excited to start the blog hopping! It is awesome to finally meet (via internet) our Danish Sisters! I love the cute image of the cat holding the heart! Love it!

  82. Greeting from Georgia to my Danish sisters! Love Fifty, how cute he is. The card with the kitty is bound to be a hit with the troops and whoever is lucky enough to receive it.

  83. synes det er super fedt at du og sandy har fundet på at lave dette sammen

    klem mette

  84. 50 is so cute with his OWH hat.

  85. Jeg bliver SÅ STOLT over at du kan få stablet ting som denne BLOG HOP på benene. Du er SEJ !

  86. HOV... opdagede lige at jeg har svigtet Fifty!!!
    Fantastisk sødt kort Vikki har lavet... WOW... det vil da vække glæde dér hvor det kommer frem...
    Jeg er VILDT imponeret over denne "bloghop"... og dybt taknemmelig over at få lov til at være med...
    Nu har jeg besøgt alle og lagt kommentarer... så nu vil jeg "bare" nyde det fra sidelinien...
    1000 tak C fordi du er så inspirerende og engageret...
    DU ER SUPER COOL... KNUS (også til FIFTY)

  87. Yay for OSH and OWH! How funny that you chose basically the same name! It must be kismet. It is so wonderful to see so many spreading love & joy! Fifty is adorable! I was guessing that the sentiment was "Sending a Hug", I found a Danish-English Dictionary & it is! Cute card Vikki, the kitty is colored wonderfully.

  88. this is so awesome! thanks so much for all you do to support the deployed.

  89. Love the card, the Kitty is sooo cute :)

  90. Fantastisk ide`og samarbejde.
    Kh 10na

  91. What a sweet card!
    Hopped over to see it!
    Cape Town, South Africa

  92. Sikke en sjov ide, dejligt i kan samarbejde om det. Og hvor må det have været lidt af en udfordring

  93. Hi Charlie! Glad you like the sunburst card! We have a tutorial on our blog about making these. The tutorial has great pictures too. Here is the link: http://operationwritehome.org/tutorial-starburst/

    Looks like the other name for it is starburst! They are very easy to do.

    The measurements are in inches (4.5 inches x 1.5 inches for each strip), but the exact size is not necessary for it to come out correctly. When I make them I usually have to put some extra pieces on, so no worries about being perfect!

    Good luck, if you have any questions, let me know!

  94. I think it is wonderful what you are doing for Danish troops and their families. Your kitty card is so cute!

  95. The kitty is adorable! This card is sure to make somebody smile.
    Best wishes to your organization. It's so neat to know that cardmakers in another country support the same types of causes that we Americans do.

  96. Adorable card! This is actually the first blog hop I've seen... I love it!

  97. It was great to read the story of how OSH was started. Fifty is a cute mascot, too!


TAK fordi du besøger OSH-bloggen. Alle kommentarer bliver læst og spørgsmål besvaret - og ikke mindst værdsat og igen i 2024 deltager du med et lod pr kommentar i den månedlige konkurrence om dejlige præmier! MEN HUSK man kan ikke vinde på anonyme indlæg så HUSK at skrive dit navn i din kommentar, hvis du ønsker at deltage i lodtrækningen.
THANK YOU for visiting the OSH blog - normally we only blog in Danish - but we hope you can enjoy our cards nevertheless ! All comments will be read and are truly appreciated =0)